Mmmmm.. Falafel and Oatmeal Pudding!

I started of my morning by having Katie's Oatmeal Raisin Pudding. I unfortunately didn't have any Raisin's in the house, so I had to do without. It was very very good! It reminded me of a Danish Rice Pudding that is very common to have around Christmas time. Will definitely be making this again!

For lunch I had a bowl of the same Pasta that I had yesterday. I used to hate leftovers, but I absolutely love them now! Yum!

My dog Miley decided to get really dirty, yet again, so I had to give her another bath today.
Wet Dog!

Dry and pretty dog :)

Now lets hope she can stay out of trouble and not get dirty for at least a little while!!

For dinner I decided to make Falafel in Pita bread. It consisted of falafel, wholewheat pita bread, tomato's, red onion, Moroccan hummus and lettuce. I LOVE THESE!! They are simple to make, and so yummy!


  1. Aww your dog looks so cute! :)

    The falafel is yummy looking, going to have to try that combo sometime!

  2. You're gorgeous!

    Way to go on the Workout Wednesday! ;)

    ps- I never did get the email from your bf...could you have him resend?
